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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

2015 Myanmar Election Result Update

I gone across TV channel and mass media which telling of great victory of Aung Sann Suu Kyi party. A significant figure of interest people seem to be an enthusiastic  with that best success election campaign while i am personally understand nothing due i mainly looking for proved data ( or information).
Fortunately, i got this data, had compile with other information for producing a sexy explanation of why most people belief that Suu Kyi, the best leader in Myanmar, is the winner of the political game?

The parliamentary election system in Myanmar had taken place into three fields which is the main subject for leading to confusion  while the most non -skill journalists always address of two type namely lower and upper house representative. The house of nationalities and the number of representative from the official 14 states and regions had been categorized in the upper house level. 

The army forces had arranged a constitutions which allocation " seat allowance" for their pockets as illustrating that among 440 seats at the upper level will deduct 110 seats without directly voting. As the party of Suu Kyi now access more than 200 seats at Upper House representative, thus their supporters claimed for great victory after 25 years time in hard working environment. 
This an post election in Myanmar scheme

List of 92 political parties joining in election November 09,2015

1.   88 Generation Democracy Party | UEC Profile
2.   Akha National Development Party | UEC Profile
3.   All Mon Regions Democracy Party | UEC Profile
4.   All Nationals' Democracy Party Kayah State | UEC Profile
5.   Arakan National Party | UEC Profile
6.   Arakan Patriot Party | UEC Profile
7.   Asho Chin National Party | UEC Profile
8.   Bamar People’s Party | UEC Profile
9.   Chin League for Democracy | UEC Profile
10. Chin National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
11. Chin Progressive Party | UEC Profile
12. Confederate Farmers Party (CFP) | UEC Profile
13. Daingnet National Development Party (DNDP) | UEC Profile
14. Danu National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
15. Danu National Organization Party | UEC Profile
16. Dawei Nationalities Party | UEC Profile
17. Democracy and Human Rights Party | UEC Profile
18. Democracy and Peace Party | UEC Profile
19. Democratic Party (Myanmar) | UEC Profile
20. Democratic Party for a New Society | UEC Profile
21. Democracy Party For Myanmar New Society | UEC Profile
22. Eastern Shan State Development Democratic Party | UEC Profile
23. Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP) | UEC Profile
24. Federal Union Party | UEC Profile
25. Guiding Star Party | UEC Profile
26. Inn National Development Party | UEC Profile
27. Inn National League | UEC Profile
28. Kachin Democratic Party | UEC Profile
29. Kachin State Democracy Party | UEC Profile
30. Ka Man National Development Party | UEC Profile
31. Karen National Party | UEC Profile
32. Kayah Unity Democracy Party (KUDP) | UEC Profile
33. Kayan National Party | UEC Profile
34. Kayin Democratic Party | UEC Profile
35. Kayin People’s Party (KPP) | UEC Profile
36. Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP) | UEC Profile
37. Kayin Unity Democratic Party (KUDP) | UEC Profile
38. Kha Me National Development Party | UEC Profile
39. Khumi (Khami) National Party | UEC Profile
40. Kokang Democracy and Unity Party | UEC Profile
41. La Hu National Development Party | UEC Profile
42. Lhaovo National Unity and Development Party (LNUDP) | UEC Profile
43. Lisu National Development Party (LNDP) | UEC Profile
44. Modern People Party | UEC Profile
45. Mon National Party | UEC Profile
46. Mro Nationality Party | UEC Profile
47. Mro National Democracy Party (MNDP) | UEC Profile
48. Mro National Development Party | UEC Profile
49. Myanmar Farmer’s Development Party | UEC Profile
50. Myanmar National Congress | UEC Profile
51. National Democratic Force (NDF) | UEC Profile
52. National Democratic Party for Development (NDPD) | UEC Profile
53. National Development Party | UEC Profile
54. National Development and Peace Party (NDPP) | UEC Profile
55. National League for Democracy (NLD) | UEC Profile
56. National Political Alliance League | UEC Profile
57. National Prosperity Party | UEC Profile
58. National Unity Party (NUP) | UEC Profile
59. National Unity Congress Party | UEC Profile
60. Negotiation, Stability and Peace Party (NSPP) | UEC Profile
61. New Era Union Party | UEC Profile
62. New National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
63. New Society Party | UEC Profile
64. Pao National Organization (PNO) | UEC Profile
65. Peace for Diversity Party | UEC Profile
66. People Democracy Party | UEC Profile
67. People’s Party of Myanmar Farmers and Workers | UEC Profile
68. Phlone-Sqaw Democratic Party | UEC Profile
69. Public Contribute Students Democracy Party | UEC Profile
70. Rakhine State National United Party | UEC Profile
71. Shan Nationalities Democratic Party | UEC Profile
72. Shan Nationalities League for Democracy | UEC Profile
73. Shan State Kokang Democratic Party | UEC Profile
74. Shan-ni & Northern Shan Ethnics Solidarity Party (SNSP) | UEC Profile
75. Ta-Arng (Palaung) National Party | UEC Profile
76. Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party (TNDP) | UEC Profile
77. The 88 Generation Student Youths (Union of Myanmar) | UEC Profile
78. The Kachin National Congress for Democracy | UEC Profile
79. The Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics | UEC Profile
80. Union Democratic Party | UEC Profile
81. Union Farmer Force Party | UEC Profile
82. Union Pa.O National Organization | UEC Profile
83. Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) | UEC Profile
84. United Democratic Party (UDP) | UEC Profile
85. Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State (UDPKS) | UEC Profile
86. Wa Democratic Party | UEC Profile
87. Wa National Unity Party | UEC Profile
88. Women Party (Mon) | UEC Profile
89. Wun Thar Nu Democratic Party | UEC Profile
90. Zo Nation Region Development | UEC Profile
91. Zomi Congress for Democracy | UEC Profile
92. Independent Candidate

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