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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Myanmar Election 2015

The national election is happening at November 08, 2015 with nearly 60 parties participation for selection a best leader to counter-insurgency ( anti- state separation).
The Burma, sine 1960, had been ruled by the Burmese while the name of countries was Burma. The military coup by the Myanmar ethic then happen and changed the name of country in to Myanmar.
Today as of 2015, the competition is still in place for the one who is good in " leadership" There are currently 11 states in conflict across nationwide in diplomatic or in military action.  Whoever win the election, nothing will change in area of military relation or diplomatic affairs as both the Union Solidarity and Development Party (Thein Sein) and the National League for Democracy ( Aung San Suu Kyi) are pure super leaders at the this time for unity mission among 117 ethnic groups !
 The below table is a list of political parties in Myanmar/Burma in 2010

Name of Party House of Nationalities House of Representatives
(Amyotha Hluttaw) (Pyithu Hluttaw)
Union Solidarity and Development Party (Thein Sein) 124 212
National League for Democracy ( Aung San Suu Kyi) 5 39
National Unity Party 5 12
Pa-O National Organization 3
Wa National Unity Party 2
All Mon Region Democracy Party 4 3
Shan Nationalities Democratic Party 4 18
Chin National Party 2 2
Rakhine National Party 7 9
Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party 3 2
National Democratic Force 4 8
Military appointed 56 110
Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization (MMKNSO)
Lahu National Development Party (LNDP)
Kokang Democracy and Unity Party (KDUP)
Democratic Party (Burma) (DPM)
Kayan National Party (KNP)
Kayin People's Party (KPP)
Union Kayin League (UKL)
Taaung (Palaung) National Party (TPNP)
Democracy and Peace Party (DPP)
United Democratic Party (United DP
The 88 Generation Student Youths (Union of Myanmar) (88GSY)
The Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics (UMFNP)
National Political Alliances League (NPAL)
Democratic Party for Myanmar New Society (DPMNS)
Wunthanu NLD (Union of Myanmar) (WNLD)
Modern People Party (MPP)
Union Democratic Party (UDP)
Peace and Diversity Party (PDP)
Chin Progressive Party (CPP)
Inn National Development Party (INDP)
Wa Democratic Party (WDP)
National Democratic Party for Development (NDPD)
Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP)
Myanmar Democracy Congress (MDC)
Mro National Party (MNO)
Kaman National Progressive Party (KNPP)
Khami National Development Party (KNDP)
Regional Development Party (Pyay) (RDPP)
Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State (UDPKS)
Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP)
National Development and Peace Party (NDPP)
Communist Party of Burma (CPB)
Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS)
Arakan League for Democracy (ALD)
National Unity Party (NUP)
Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD)
Zomi National Congress (ZNC)
Parliamentary Democracy Party (PDP Burma)
Mara People Party (MPP)
Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL)
Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP)
Burma Workers Party (BWP)
National United Front (NUF)

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