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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Myanmar Election Result Update

The Opposition party won over 80% of vote support. A meeting will be in place next week between the President of the Republic Union of Myanmar with Aug Sann Suu Kyi on possibility changing a constitution which barrier anyone who had foreigner family such as the mentioned election winner from becoming a nation' leader.

List of 92 political parties joining in election November 09,2015

1.   88 Generation Democracy Party | UEC Profile
2.   Akha National Development Party | UEC Profile
3.   All Mon Regions Democracy Party | UEC Profile
4.   All Nationals' Democracy Party Kayah State | UEC Profile
5.   Arakan National Party | UEC Profile
6.   Arakan Patriot Party | UEC Profile
7.   Asho Chin National Party | UEC Profile
8.   Bamar People’s Party | UEC Profile
9.   Chin League for Democracy | UEC Profile
10. Chin National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
11. Chin Progressive Party | UEC Profile
12. Confederate Farmers Party (CFP) | UEC Profile
13. Daingnet National Development Party (DNDP) | UEC Profile
14. Danu National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
15. Danu National Organization Party | UEC Profile
16. Dawei Nationalities Party | UEC Profile
17. Democracy and Human Rights Party | UEC Profile
18. Democracy and Peace Party | UEC Profile
19. Democratic Party (Myanmar) | UEC Profile
20. Democratic Party for a New Society | UEC Profile
21. Democracy Party For Myanmar New Society | UEC Profile
22. Eastern Shan State Development Democratic Party | UEC Profile
23. Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP) | UEC Profile
24. Federal Union Party | UEC Profile
25. Guiding Star Party | UEC Profile
26. Inn National Development Party | UEC Profile
27. Inn National League | UEC Profile
28. Kachin Democratic Party | UEC Profile
29. Kachin State Democracy Party | UEC Profile
30. Ka Man National Development Party | UEC Profile
31. Karen National Party | UEC Profile
32. Kayah Unity Democracy Party (KUDP) | UEC Profile
33. Kayan National Party | UEC Profile
34. Kayin Democratic Party | UEC Profile
35. Kayin People’s Party (KPP) | UEC Profile
36. Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP) | UEC Profile
37. Kayin Unity Democratic Party (KUDP) | UEC Profile
38. Kha Me National Development Party | UEC Profile
39. Khumi (Khami) National Party | UEC Profile
40. Kokang Democracy and Unity Party | UEC Profile
41. La Hu National Development Party | UEC Profile
42. Lhaovo National Unity and Development Party (LNUDP) | UEC Profile
43. Lisu National Development Party (LNDP) | UEC Profile
44. Modern People Party | UEC Profile
45. Mon National Party | UEC Profile
46. Mro Nationality Party | UEC Profile
47. Mro National Democracy Party (MNDP) | UEC Profile
48. Mro National Development Party | UEC Profile
49. Myanmar Farmer’s Development Party | UEC Profile
50. Myanmar National Congress | UEC Profile
51. National Democratic Force (NDF) | UEC Profile
52. National Democratic Party for Development (NDPD) | UEC Profile
53. National Development Party | UEC Profile
54. National Development and Peace Party (NDPP) | UEC Profile
55. National League for Democracy (NLD) | UEC Profile
56. National Political Alliance League | UEC Profile
57. National Prosperity Party | UEC Profile
58. National Unity Party (NUP) | UEC Profile
59. National Unity Congress Party | UEC Profile
60. Negotiation, Stability and Peace Party (NSPP) | UEC Profile
61. New Era Union Party | UEC Profile
62. New National Democracy Party | UEC Profile
63. New Society Party | UEC Profile
64. Pao National Organization (PNO) | UEC Profile
65. Peace for Diversity Party | UEC Profile
66. People Democracy Party | UEC Profile
67. People’s Party of Myanmar Farmers and Workers | UEC Profile
68. Phlone-Sqaw Democratic Party | UEC Profile
69. Public Contribute Students Democracy Party | UEC Profile
70. Rakhine State National United Party | UEC Profile
71. Shan Nationalities Democratic Party | UEC Profile
72. Shan Nationalities League for Democracy | UEC Profile
73. Shan State Kokang Democratic Party | UEC Profile
74. Shan-ni & Northern Shan Ethnics Solidarity Party (SNSP) | UEC Profile
75. Ta-Arng (Palaung) National Party | UEC Profile
76. Tai-Leng Nationalities Development Party (TNDP) | UEC Profile
77. The 88 Generation Student Youths (Union of Myanmar) | UEC Profile
78. The Kachin National Congress for Democracy | UEC Profile
79. The Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics | UEC Profile
80. Union Democratic Party | UEC Profile
81. Union Farmer Force Party | UEC Profile
82. Union Pa.O National Organization | UEC Profile
83. Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) | UEC Profile
84. United Democratic Party (UDP) | UEC Profile
85. Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State (UDPKS) | UEC Profile
86. Wa Democratic Party | UEC Profile
87. Wa National Unity Party | UEC Profile
88. Women Party (Mon) | UEC Profile
89. Wun Thar Nu Democratic Party | UEC Profile
90. Zo Nation Region Development | UEC Profile
91. Zomi Congress for Democracy | UEC Profile
92. Independent Candidate

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