
សង្រ្គាម ជំលោះតាម បណ្តាទ្វីប

ប្រធានបទ វិស្វកម្ម យោធា

Thursday, October 12, 2017


4. DISMOUNTING AND MOUNTING (see figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4).—
A. Dismounting.—

  1. (1) To dismount cradle assembly from pintle with gun assembled.—Cock the gun. Open the breech. In sert rammer through bore from the breech. Press down on trunnion cap latches and turn trunnion cap wing nuts to the front. Grasp rammer with the left hand and elevating handwheel with the right. Press in on elevating screw latch with forefinger of right hand and separate elevating screw from elevating screw latch catch bracket by pushing forward on the elevating handwheel. By use of the rammer lift barrel and cradle from the mount.
  2.  (2) To unlock axle lock.—Draw the axle coupling pin up ward about 1 inch, pull axle lock forward, and replace axle coupling pin behind the axle lock stop.
  3.  (3) To remove axle and wheels from tripod.—Remove gun and cradle from the mount. Pull out axle coupling pin. Strad dle the trails. Unhook axle stays and raise the front of the trails slightly. Remove axle and wheels to the front, separat ing pintle socket bearing from the socket stud. Lower trails to the ground gently as dropping them may injure the front leg shackle
  4. (4) To mount gun on tripod, the gun and tripod being removed from axle.—Straddle and raise front of the trails. Hold them between the knees. With right hand remove front leg pin from front leg shackle, allowing the front leg to fall. Lock front leg in position by inserting front leg pin in the upper opening in bronze housing and through the front leg. Lower tripod to the ground. Unstrap the trail straps. Spread trails and adjust trail brace by inserting trail-brace tongue in the right trail. Place barrel and cradle on trun nion bearings. Adjust latch housing on elevating screw to elevating screw latch catch bracket, and lock the trunnions. Remove rammer. Close the breech. Uncock the gun. 
  5. (5) To remove wheels from axle.—Raise or block up end of axle. Pull down on linch pin ring and turn the wheel until the recess in hub is in line with head of the linch pin. Remove linch pin and washer. Lift off the wheel. Replace the washer and linch pin. 
  6. (6) To assemble gun and tripod on wheels, the gun being mounted on tripod.—Remove gun and cradle from tripod. Disengage trail brace from right trail and place it on the left. Pull down on traversing screw lock ring and close the trails. Strap trails together by means of the trail strap. Straddle and raise front of the trails. Grasp trails between the knees, withdraw front leg pin from pintle socket, and fold back the front leg. Secure front leg in front leg shackle by means of the front leg pin. Insert stud of the pintle socket into pintle socket bearing, hook axle stays, lock axle lock, and insert axle coupling pin into socket stud. Replace gun and cradle on the mount. &. Mounting.—The operation of remounting may be ac complished by reversing the order of dismounting. • 5. DISASSEMBLING AND ASSEMBLING.!—a. To remove breech block and extractor from breech ring.—Cock the gun. Push extractor pin to the right with a finger of left hand. Remove extractor pin to the right. Press in on breechblock lever re lease pin cap and remove breechblock lever. Place thumb of right hand in the port of breechblock, and left hand, palm up, under breechblock. Unscrew breechblock by turning it to the left. Lift extractor from its seat. 
B. Mounting.—The operation of remounting may be ac complished by reversing the order of dismounting.

A. To remove breech block and extractor from breech ring.—Cock the gun. Push extractor pin to the right with a finger of left hand. Remove extractor pin to the right. Press in on breechblock lever re lease pin cap and remove breechblock lever. Place thumb of right hand in the port of breechblock, and left hand, palm up, under breechblock. Unscrew breechblock by turning it to the left. Lift extractor from its seat.

B. To replace extractor and breechblock in breech ring.— Replace extractor in its seat in breech ring. Cock the gun if it is not already cocked. Screw breechblock into breech ring. Replace breechblock lever. With left hand below breech ring, raise extractor and with right hand return extractor pin from right to left. Uncock the gun.

C. To remove bajrrel from cradle.—(1) Level barrel by ele vating screw. Cock the gun. Open the breech. Uncock the gun. Press up on piston cross head key latch with thumb and index finger of right hand, and remove piston cross head key to the left. Insert rammer through the bore from the breech and remove barrel to rear, being careful that the bronze shoes do not become damaged by allowing the rear end of barrel to bear down. To overcome any possibility of damage to the shoes, it is advisable that two men remove the barrel.

(2) To replace the barrel reverse the order of dismounting, exercising necessary care to insure the sear being returned in proper relative position with trigger crank and safety bolt.

 d. TO remove striker and striker spring from) striker hous ing.—(1) Depress muzzle of barrel slightly. Remove piston cross head key. Slide barrel to the rear about 7 inches. Push striker to its complete forward position, loosen striker rod nut set screw, and unscrew nut from striker rod. Allow spring to expand slowly and pull out striker and striker spring. (2) Td replace striker and striker spring, reverse the order of dismounting.

 e. To disassemble breechblock.—(1) Remove breechblock from breech ring. Remove rocker pin by drawing it toward center of the port. Lift out rocker. Place hand over rocker seat and turn the breechblock over, allowing the rocker plunger, firing pin, and firing-pin spring to drop out. (2) To assemble the breechblock reverse the order of dis assembling. •


a. To cock gun.—Place palm of the hand against the striker and push it forward quickly until head of sear engages in cocking notch of striker. Cocking by hand is necessary only for the first round.

b. To uncock gun.—Close breech if not already closed. Place palm of left hand against striker, press on triggercrank lever with thumb of right hand, and allow striker to come back gently.

 c. To open breech.—Cock the gun. Rotate breechblock by moving breechblock lever to the left until it meets the shoulder which limits movement of opening.

d. To close breech.—Rotate breechblock by moving breech block lever to the right until it meets the shoulder which limits movement of closing. The hand must be kept on the breechblock lever until the lever comes in close contact with the shoulder which limits movement of closing in order to avoid any return movement of the breechblock.

 e. To load.—Open the breech. Insert a round into chamber by grasping it by the base, placing it in the port in breech block and pushing it into the chamber with the fingers. Close the breech.

To unload.—Open the breech smartly. Opening of the breech causes extraction and ejection of the cartridge case.

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