
សង្រ្គាម ជំលោះតាម បណ្តាទ្វីប

ប្រធានបទ វិស្វកម្ម យោធា

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

ទួរគី ទិញកាំជ្រួច S-400 ពីរុស្សី

ទួរគីម្តងថា បញ្ឈប់ការទិញ ម្តងថាសម្រេចទិញកាំជ្រួច S-400 ចំនួន ២ កង (2 batteries) តម្លៃ ២១៤០ ពាន់លានអឺរូ ( ២៥០០ លានដុល្លា) ពីប្រទេសរុស្សី។ ខាង NATO ប្រឆាំងចំពោះការទិញនេះ ចំណែក ទួរគីថា នេះជាសិទ្ធិក្នុងការទិញដើម្បីការពារឯករាជ្យភាពប្រទេស ទួរគី។ ទួរគីប្រឆាំងដោយលើកហេតុផលថា

  • ទួរគីជាសមាជិកណាតូ មិនត្រួវទិញអាវុធរុស្សី
  • កាំជ្រួច S-400 អាចបាញ់បាន ៨០គោលដៅ ជាបន្តបន្ទាប់ក្នុងចម្ងាយ ៤០០ គម
  • កាំជ្រួចនេះមានល្បឿន ៤.៨គម/វិនាទី
  • កាំជ្រួចអាចបាញ់កំទេចបាន ទាំងយន្តហោះ ឧទ្ធម្ភាចក្រ កាំជ្រួចគ្រួស និង ដ្រោន
  • ទួរគីសម្រេចទិញប្រព័ន្ធការពារអាកាសពីរុស្សី ដោយសារតែ អាឡឺម៉ង់ អាមេរិក និង Netherland មិនព្រមពង្រាយប្រព័ន្ធ Patriot នៅភាគខាងត្បូងទួរគី
  • ទួរគីស្វែងរការទិញកាំជ្រួចការពារអាកាសពីប្រទេសចិន តែដោយសារមានសម្ពាធពីណាតូ NATO ទើបលុបចោលទៅវិញ
  • ជំលោះរវាងប្រទេសជាសមាជិកណាតូ ជាមួយនឹង ទួរគី
  • ទួរគីជាសមាជិកណាតូឆ្នាំ ១៩៥២ តែមានជំលោះ ដោយសារអាមេរិកកាំងគាំទ្រ ពួក ឃើត និង អ៊ីរ៉ាក់ ជាសត្រូវរបស់ទួរគី
  • ប្រទេសនៅ អឺរ៉ុបរារាំងទួរគីមិនឲ្យធ្វើយុទ្ធនាការឃោសនា នយោបាយនៅ អ៊ីរ៉ុប
  • តួរគេជាប្រទេសរំលោភសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស
  • អាមេរិកចង់ឲ្យសមាជិក អឺរ៉ុបទិញ សព្វាវុធពីប្រទេសជាសមាជិក
  • ទួរគីសម្រេចចិត្តទិញ ពីរុស្សី ដោយគ្មានការព្រមព្រៀងពី NATO នេះជាការរំលោភកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀង
  • NATO និង រុស្សីគឺជាសត្រូវនឹងគ្នាតាំងពីសម័យសង្រ្គាមត្រជាក់
  • ទ័ពរបស់ ទួរគី ក្នុង ជួរទ័ព ណាតូ មានច្រើនជាងគេទី២ បន្ទាប់ពីអាមេរិកកាំង

The purchase of Russia's S-400 air defense systems by Turkey is a "sovereign" decision of the government in Ankara, however, Turkey must take into account that these weapons will not be compliant with NATO systems, US State Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters on Monday.

Turkey has signed a controversial deal with Russia to arm its forces with Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles.

The € 2.14bn deal has sparked concern over Turkey’s increasingly closer ties with Russia and its recent souring of relations with the US and Europe.

A deposit for the S-400 has been put down, but the deal is still to be finalised.

The deal is Turkey’s first major arms purchase from Moscow and its most significant one from a non-NATO partner.

How does the S-400 missile work?

According to Russia, the S-400 system has a range of 400km and can shoot down up to 80 targets simultaneously, aiming two missiles at each one.

It is said to be able to reach a speed of 4.8km per second.

The S-400 can target aircraft, cruise missiles, medium-range missiles, drones and other airborne surveillance systems, according to Russian news agency RIA Novosti.

Vladimir Kozhin, Putin’s adviser for military and technical cooperation, said the S-400 was a very complex system made up of a lot of technical materials.

The system uses four missiles with different ranges from 400km to 40km.

The missile’s long-range surveillance radar tracks objects and relays information to the command vehicle, which assesses potential targets.

When a target is identified, the command vehicle offers the missile launch.

The launch data is then sent to the best-placed launch vehicle and it releases surface-to-air missiles.

The engagement radar helps guide the missiles towards the chosen target.

Why has the arms deal been made?

Ankara has been in the market for new air defences for some time.

It started looking for its own missile-defence system after the US, Germany and the Netherlands declined to renew their Patriot-missile deployments in southern Turkey.

Turkey flirted with the idea of buying a Chinese system, but backed away from the deal after pressure from its NATO allies.

Putin’s military adviser for military and technical cooperation told Russian state-owned TASS news agency: “I can only guarantee that all decisions taken on this contract strictly comply with our strategic interests.

“For this reason we fully understand the reactions of several Western countries which are trying to put pressure on Turkey.”

Under the deal Ankara would receive two batteries of the anti-aircraft missile from Russia and they produce two batteries in Turkey.

Are the new missiles violating NATO terms?

The controversial deal comes amid worsening tensions between Turkey and its NATO partners.

Turkey, which has been a NATO member since 1952, currently has troubled ties with the US over Washington’s support of the YPG Syrian Kurd militia which Ankara considers a terror group.

Erdogan is also embroiled in a fierce row with many European states over the ban on allowing Turkish politicians to hold campaign allies in European Union (EU) countries and Turkey’s imprisonment of journalists and contravention of human rights.

Turkey’s accession to the EU also looks increasingly unlikely, with Erdogan accusing the bloc of backtracking on visa agreements and Syrian migrants.

Turkey’s NATO membership means it would typically require the purchasing of weapons systems to be approved by the defence bloc.

The purchase of missile systems from a non-NATO supplier will raise concerns in the West over their compatibility with the alliance’s equipment.

Washington has already expressed concern, stating that it was “generally a good idea” for NATO allies to buy inter-operable equipment.

An unnamed NATO official told AFP news agency: “No NATO ally currently operates the S-400.

“NATO has not been informed about the details of any purchase.”

Turkey’s decision to go ahead with the purchase without permission from NATO is a further sign of Ankara’s gradual estrangement from its Western allies.

With tensions between NATO and Russia being at their highest since the Cold War, the move will be seen as a calculated snub to the alliance.

Turkey has the second-largest army in NATO.

S-400 and Russia

The S-400 has been in service with the Russian Armed Forces since 2007.

Russia deployed the S-400 at its air force base near Latakia in Syria in December 2015 after Turkish jets shot down a Russian warplane on the Syria-Turkey border.

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