
សង្រ្គាម ជំលោះតាម បណ្តាទ្វីប

ប្រធានបទ វិស្វកម្ម យោធា

Thursday, October 12, 2017


ជំពូក​២៖ ការសម្តែងរូបភាពប្រយុទ្ធ

គោលបំណង និងទំហំកិច្ចការសមយុទ្ធមាន ៣ គឺ(ក) គោលបំណងដើម្បីឲ្យសិក្ខាកាមមានជំនឿទុកចិត្តក្នុងការអនុវត្តន៍ផ្ទាល់ ដើម្បីចល័ត តម្លើងកាំភ្លើងត្រូវតាមយុទ្ធវិធី​ច្បាស់លាស់ និងរហ័សរហួន (ខ) ដើម្បីឲ្យសិក្ខាកាមអាចធ្វើកិច្ចការជាក្រុមនិងការផ្លាស់ប្តូរតួរនាទីគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ធ្វើដូច្នេះគឺ សិក្ខាកាមមានការស្ទាត់ជំនាញសម្រាប់កិច្ចការមិត្តរួមអាវុធផ្សេងទៀត (គ) ដើម្បីឲ្យប្រាកដថា សិក្ខាកាមបានធ្វើតាមក្បូនយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តដែលចែងក្នុងមេរៀន៖ ដំបូងត្រូវមាន ភាពជាក់លាក់ នេះជាគោលបំណង កាលណាគោមបំណងបានតាមសំណូមពរ ជំហានបន្ទាប់គឺ ល្បឿន ដែលត្រូវយកចិត្ត ទុកដាក់។

32. OBJECT AND SCOPE.—a. The object of gun drill is to give the squad complete confidence in its ability as a team to put its gun into action with precision and speed.b. Teamwork is assured by a rotation in duties during drill so that each member by practice becomes acquainted expertly with the duties of every other member. c. Precision is attained by strict adherence to the prescribed procedure. Exactness is the first • objective. When it has been developed, speed is emphasized.

33. GENERAL RULES.—a. Equipment required.—Articles of equipment required for gun drill are-
    • 1 37-mm gun on wheels (trails for pack units).
    • 1 telescopic sight.
    • 1 quadrant sight.
    • 4 boxes ammunition.
    • 2 aiming stakes.
    • 4 dummy cartridges.
    • 1 pair field glasses.
    • 1 compass.
    • 1 set fire-control tables.
    • 5 carrying slings.

If drill is to be conducted over rough ground two breast straps should be included.
b. When the gun is drawn on wheels the equipment is transported as follows: Squad leader.—Carries field glass, compass, and fire-control tables.
    • No. 1 (gunner).—Carries sights and aiming stakes.
    • 2Vos. 2 and 3.—Carry two boxes of ammunition each.
    • No. 4.—No load assigned. Assists as directed.
    • Nos. 5 and 6.—Draw the gun.
    • No. 7.—Assists as directed.

When the gun is drawn by hand over rough ground one or more members of the squad may assist in drawing it by breast straps. Ordinarily breast straps are carried in the cart. In the field or in training for field duties all members who carry ammunition boxes or ammunition and parts of the gun are equipped with carrying slings. Ordinarily the carrying slings are carried in the carts with the breast straps.
    • c. When the gun is carried by hand the equipment is trans
    • ported as follows:
    • Squad leader.—Carries field glass, compass, and fire-control
    • tables.
    • No. 1 (.gunner).—Carries sights and aiming stakes.
    • Nos. 2 and 3.—Carry assembled barrel and recoil cylinder,
    • muzzle to the front, and one box of ammunition each.
    • No. 4.—Pushes the wheels and axle, if present, or carries
    • ammunition.
    • Nos. 5 and 6.—Carry trails, pintle leading, and one box of
    • ammunition each.
    • No. 7.—Assists as directed.
d. During dismounting and mounting only those members who are actively engaged in a phase of dismounting or mounting will be at the gun position. Those members who have dismounted or mounted a part of the gun will move clear of the gun position and hold themselves in readiness for the next formation or movement. Those members who are to dismount or mount a part of the gun will be ready to move immediately to the gun position to execute their mission when the gun position has been cleared by the preceding group.
34. To SECURE EQUIPMENT TO PUT GUN INTO ACTION.—a. Normally equipment for gun drill is secured before the squad is formed.b. In drill the command is: SECURE EQUIPMENT FOR GUN DRILL. At this command the men fall out and each secures the equipment described in paragraph 33. In the field the command is: OFF TRUCKS (PACKS).

35. To FORM CREW (SQUAD) WITH EQUiPMENT.-r-a. Squad column (gun on wheels).—When the gun is drawn on wheels the squad is formed in squad column by the command: 1. SQUAD COLUMN, 2. MARCH. At the command MARCH the mem bers of the squad follow the squad leader at easy marching distance in the following order:
    • Nos. 5 and 6.
    • No. 2.
    • No. 3.
    • No. 4.
    • No. 7.
    • No. 1 (gunner).
Loads are grounded when the squad is halted and taken up at the preparatory command for a movement. b. Squad column (by hand).—When the gun is carried by hand the movement is the same except that the men follow the squad leader in the squad column in the following order:
    • No. 5.
    • No. 6.
    • No. 2.
    • No. 3.
    • No. 4.
    • No. 7.
    • No. 1 (gunner).

36. To CHANGE NUMBERS AND DUTIES DURING DRILL.—a. The squad being in any formation the command is: FALL OUT ONE, TWO (or any other number in the squad). At this command No. 1 (gunner) takes the position of the last number of the squad. No. 2 calls out "One," and moves to the position of No. 1 (gunner). No. 3 calls out "Two," and moves to the position of No. 2, and in this manner throughout the squad, each man moves up one number. When a number other than No. 1 (gunner) is directed to fall out, he takes the position of the last number of the squad. The numbers fol lowing the designated number call out their new number and move to their new positions. The men preceding the designated number do not change their positions.

b. This rotation in drill is made in order to train all members of the squad in the duties of the other members and to simulate casualties. During the earlier stages of gun drill this command is given only after a movement or command has been completely executed. After each member of the squad is familiar with the duties of every other member the command may be given before the completion of a movement. In such cases each man at once stays the execution of his duties and takes up the duties of his new number.

37. To EXAMINE GUN EQUIPMENT.—a. The equipment being grounded the corporal commands: EXAMINE EQUIPMENT BEFORE FIRING. At this command each man, keeping well down, examines the equipment constituting his load as indicated below and reports to the corporal, naming the deficiencies, if any, which he cannot correct. The same procedure is followed in both drill and combat except that in drill, water, oil, and ball ammunition are assumed.

(1) The equipment being laid out to be transported by hand, No. 1 (gunner) examines the sights and sees that they are clean, that all movable parts work easily, and that the scales are set at zero.
    • (2) No. 2 examines the gun and sees that—
    • (a) Muzzle is pointed to the front.
    • (&) Barrel is clear.
    • (c) Filling plug and drain plug are screwed in.
    • (<i) Firing mechanism is cocked.
    • (e) Sight clamp is loosened.
    • (/) Breech is open and breech lock free to rotate.
    • (fir) Trigger is free.
    • (ft) Barrel is completely returned to battery.
    • (z) All movable parts are clean and lightly oiled.
    • (3) No. 4 examines wheels and axles (if present) and sees
    • that this assembly is cleaned and greased properly.
    • (4) No. 5 examines trails and sees that—
    • (a) Trails are closely folded.
    • (6) Traverse screw nut is at midpoint of the traversing
    • screw and the flat side is against the right trail.
    • (c) Trunnion bearing wing nuts are completely rotated to
    • the forward position.
    • (d) Elevation screw handwheel clears top of trails by 1
    • inch.
    • (5) No. 6 examines the ammunition box and sees that—
    • (c) Cartridges and packing strip are clean and dry.
    • (6) Cartridges are inserted in packing strip, points down.
    • (c) Cover of the box is latched.

b. Upon completing this examination of equipment, No. 6 reports, "Ammunition correct" (or the deficiencies); No. 5 reports, "Trails and ammunition correct" (or the deficiencies) ; No. 4 reports, "Wheels (if applicable), trails, and ammunition correct" (or the deficiencies); No. 2 reports, "Gun, wheels (if applicable), trails, and ammunition correct" (or the deficiencies); and No. 1 (gunner) reports, "All correct" (or the deficiencies which cannot be corrected).

c. A thorough examination of the gun equipment is made at the beginning and at the end of each drill period. The initial inspection must insure that the ammunition belt is free of live rounds. Upon a change of numbers such exami nation of the equipment without report is made as will deter mine that it is in proper condition for execution of the drill.

38. To DISMOUNT GUN AND FORM SQUAD COLUMN.—a. The squad being in squad column and the gun on wheels the command is: BY HAND. 
(1) If marching, the squad halts. 
(2) Nos. 5 and 6 turn the gun to right-about with the left wheel as a pivot until the muzzle points directly to the front and then ground the spades. No. 6 withdraws sponge staff from lunette swivels and hands it to No. 3.
(3) Nos. 2 and 3 each drop one box of ammunition 1 pace to left of center of trails and retain the other box. No. 3 opens breech, inserts sponge staff through the bore, supports breech by means of the sponge staff, and releases elevating screw clutch from clutch bracket. No. 2 from a position near the muzzle unlocks trunnion bearings, grasps protruding end of sponge staff, and assisted by No. 3 lifts barrel and recoil cylinder over the left wheel
(4) No. 5 straddles trails, unhooks axle stays, and raises front of trails slightly.
(5) No. 4 takes out axle coupling pin, removes axle and wheels, and withdraws them 2 paces to the right so as to pre vent interference with forward movement of Nos. 5 and 6. 
(6) As soon as axle and wheels have been removed, members of the squad secure their loads. Nos. 5 and 6 take the ammunition dropped by Nos. 2 and 3. For the purpose of uniformity in drill trails will be carried on right hips with top of trails against the body. In the field, however, to avoid undue fatigue trails may be shifted by Nos. 5 and 6 to suit their convenience. The squad forms in squad column as described in paragraph 27.
b. The squad being in position either of PREPARE FOR ACTION or ON WHEELS, ACTION, the command is: BY HAND.
 (1) Nos. 2 and 3 dispose of four boxes of ammunition as described in a (3) above. 
(2) No. 1 (gunner) removes shoulder guard and passes it to No. 2. He then removes the sight, returning it to its case and secures the aiming stakes. (3) No. 2 replaces shoulder guard on right trail and pro ceeds as in a (3) above. (4) No. 3 (opens breech if not open) places trigger thumb piece in carrying position and proceeds as in a (3) above. (5) No. 5 straddles trails and releases traversing screw plunger while No. 6 closes trails and fastens trail strap. No. 5 continuing to straddle trails unhooks axle stays and raises front of trails slightly. (6) No. 4 takes out axle coupling pin, removes axle and wheels, and withdraws them 2 paces to the right in order to prevent interference with forward movement of Nos. 5 and 6. (7) Movement is completed as in a (6) above.

39. To MOUNT GUN ON WHEELS AND FORM SQUAD COLUMN.— The squad being in squad column and the gun carried by hand the command is: ON WHEELS. a. If marching, the squad halts. b. No. 6 lowers trail spades to the ground. No. 5 lowers and straddles pintle end of trails. No. 4 rapidly brings up axle and wheels. No. 5 inserts socket stud in axle bearing and hooks axle stays. No. 4 inserts axle coupling pin and locks axle lock. c. Nos. 2 and 3 replace barrel and recoil cylinder on the trunnion bearings which are locked by No. 2. No. 3 fastens elevating screw clutch, withdraws sponge staff from the bore and passes it to No. 6 who inserts it through the lunette swiv els. No. 3 closes breech, uncocks the gun, and puts the trigger thumbpiece in carrying position. d. All members secure their loads and form squad column as described in paragraph 35.

40. To PREPARE FOR ACTION.—The squad being in squad column and the gun on wheels, to prepare for action the command is: PREPARE FOR ACTION.
a. If marching, the squad halts.
&. Nos. 5 and 6 turn the gun to right-about with the left
wheel as a pivot until the muzzle points directly to the front
and then ground the spades. No. 5 goes to the front of the
gun and unlocks axle lock.
c. No. 6 withdraws sponge staff from lunette swivels, places
it on the ground beneath axle, unfastens trail strap, opens
trails and adjusts transom.
d. No. 2 places his ammunition boxes between trails in
rear of transom, takes shoulder guard from right trail, passes
it to the gunner, releases trigger thumbpiece from carrying
position, opens breech, and inspects the bore.
e. No. 1 (gunner) places aiming stakes, pointed ends to
the left, under transom, attaches shoulder guard and sight to
the gun, and tests elevating and traversing mechanisms.
/. Any deficiencies noted by members of the squad are
reported to No. 1 (gunner).
g. Members of the squad then take posts as follows:
(1) Squad leader, facing to the front, 2 paces to left of and
on line with muzzle.
(2) No. 1 (gunner), 2 paces to left of, on line with, and
facing the breech.
(3) No. 2, 2 paces to right of, on line with, and facing
the breech.
(4) Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 form from right to left, facing
to the front, 2 paces in rear of trails.
h. No. 3 places his ammunition boxes on the ground, the
rear of each box on line with and touching his toes.
i. As soon as the squad is posted, No. 1 (gunner) reports,
"All correct" (or the deficiencies noted).

41. To Pur GUN INTO ACTION.—The gun may go into action either on wheels or on tripod. In action should conditions demand a short, rapid change of position, the gun may be moved without dismounting by the most expeditious means, a. At the command: 1. ON WHEELS (ON TRIPOD), 2. ACTION, the squad leader indicates the gun position to No. 1 (gunner), obtains firing data and any other information necessary. For indirect laying No. 4 will accompany the squad leader in order to drive aiming stakes when necessary; after the stakes are driven, he will then take his post in rear of the gun. The squad leader transmits the firing data to the squad and takes a position from which he can observe, direct, and control the fire. For drill purposes No. 1 (gunner) places the tele scopic sight on the gun unless the squad leader designates otherwise. As soon as No. 1 (gunner) has received the fire order, he adjusts the sight and lays on the aiming point indicated. At the announcement of ONE ROUND by the squad leader, No. 2 loads. The gunner having completed the laying, commands: FIRE. At this command No. 2 fires or simulates firing of the gun.

b. The squad being in squad column and the gun on wheels, to form for action on wheels the command is: 1. ON WHEELS, 2. ACTION. The squad executes PREPARE FOR ACTION, ex cept that No. 1 (gunner) and No. 2 take firing positions (which are prone) on the left and right trails, respectively. For drill purposes all other members of the squad take a prone position 5 paces in rear of trails. No. 3 places his ammunition boxes by his side
c. The squad being in squad column and the gun on wheels, to form for action on tripod the command is: 1. ON
(1) If marching, the squad halts.
(2) Nos. 5 and 6 turn the gun (par. 38a (2)).
(3) Nos. 2 and 3 remove barrel and recoil cylinder to the
left (par. 38a (3)).

(4) Nos. 4 and 5 remove axle and wheels from the mount (par. 38a (4) and (5)). No. 4 moves axle and wheels to a position in rear of the gun. For drill purposes the wheels are moved 8 paces in rear and 1 pace to the right of the right spade. No. 5 straddles trails, grasps them between his knees, and adjusts the front leg while No. 6 unfastens trail strap, open trails, and adjusts transom.

(5) Nos. 2 and 3 replace barrel and recoil cylinder on trun nion bearings which are locked by No. 2. No. 3 fastens ele vating screw clutch, withdraws sponge staff from bore, places it on the ground under the gun, and releases trigger thumbpiece. No. 2 places his ammunition boxes between trails in rear of transom, takes shoulder guard from right trail and hands it to No. 1 (gunner), takes his firing position on the right trail, and inspects the bore.

(6) No. 1 (gunner) places aiming stakes, pointed ends to the left, under the transom, attaches shoulder guard and sight to the gun, and tests elevating and traversing mechanisms.

 (7) Movement is completed as in b above. d. The squad being in squad column and the gun carried by hand, to form for action on tripod the command is: 1. ON TRIPOD, 2. ACTION. This movement is executed as in c above except that the functions of No. 4 regarding the removal of wheels are not applicable, and Nos. 5 and 6 place their am munition boxes between trails in rear of transom. No. 3 se cures the ammunition box carried by No. 2 and takes his post in rear of trails.

e. The squad being in squad column and the gun carried
by hand, to form for action on wheels the command is: 1. ON
(1) If marching, the squad halts.
(2) Nos. 4, 5, and 6 assemble trails and wheels as described
in paragraph 39b except that No. 4 does not lock axle lock.
Nos. 5 and 6 place their ammunition boxes between trails in
rear of transom.
(3) Nos. 2 and 3 replace barrel and recoil cylinder as in
c (5) above, except that No. 3 secures the box carried by
No. 1 and then takes post in rear of trails.
(4) Movement is completed as in c (6) and (7) above.
• 42. To TAKE GUN OUT OF ACTION.—a. The squad being either
in position of PREPARE FOR ACTION or ON WHEELS, ACTION, to go
OUT OF ACTION the command is: OUT OP ACTION.
(1) Shoulder guard and sight are secured (par. 38b (2)
and (3)).
(2) No. 2 closes breech, uncocks the gun, and puts trigger
thumbpiece in carrying position.
(3) No. 5 locks axle lock and releases traversing screw
plunger while No. 6 closes trails, fastens trail strap, and passes
sponge staff through lunette swivels.
(4) The squad forms in squad column unless otherwise
directed by the squad leader.
b. The squad being in position of ON TRIPOD ACTION, to go
our OF ACTION with the gun mounted on wheels the command

(1) Shoulder guard and sight are secured (par. 38b (2)
and (3)).
(2) Nos. 2 and 3 remove barrel and recoil cylinder to the
left (par. 38b (31).
(3) Nos. 5 and 6 secure trails as in a (3) above, except
that No. 5 does not lock axle lock.
(4) Nos. 4 and 5 assemble trails and wheels (par. 39b).
(5) Nos. 2 and 3 mount barrel and recoil cylinder on trun
nion bearings (par. 39c).
(6) The squad forms in squad column unless otherwise
directed by the squad leader.
c. The squad being in position of ON TRIPOD ACTION, to go
OUT OF ACTION with the gun carried by hand the command is:
(1) Nos. 2 and 3 dispose of four boxes of ammunition (par.
38a (3)).
(2) Shoulder guard and sight are secured (par. 38b (2)
and (3)).
(3) Nos. 2 and 3 remove barrel and recoil cylinder (par.
386 (3) and (4)).
(4) No. 5 straddles trails and releases traversing screw
plunger while No. 6 closes trails and fastens trail strap. No.
5 continuing to straddle trails raises the pintle end slightly
and grasps the trails between his legs. He then secures the
front leg in the front leg shackle.
(5) The squad forms in squad column as described in para
graph 35.
d. The squad being in position of ON TRIPOD ACTION where
considerations of cover require the personnel to move by
crawling, the corporal commands: 1. DRAG GUN, 2. FOLLOW
ME (TO THAT BUSH). At this command the gun is un
loaded and pivoted by No. 1 (gunner) and No. 2 about the front
spade until the muzzle points to the rear, after the ammuni
tion box is passed back to the rear. No. 1 (gunner) and No.
2 assisted by No. 3 if necessary drag the mounted gun. They
follow the route chosen by the corporal or move to the
objective designated.

e. The squad being in position of ON TRIPOD ACTION, to move the gun quickly for a short distance the corporal commands: 1. THREE-MAN LOAD, 2. FOLLOW ME (TO SUCH-AND-SUCH POSITION). At this command the gun is un loaded and the ammunition box is passed to the rear. The gun is carried by Nos. 1 (gunner), 2, and 3, muzzle to the front. No. 1 (gunner) is on the left and grasps the barrel just in rear of the muzzle with his right (left, if gun is to be carried to the rear) hand, back of the hand out. No. 2 is on the right and grasps the barrel just in rear of No. 1's (gunner) hand with his left (right) hand, back out. No. 3 secures trails, backs of both hands out. After the loads have been secured, No. 1 (gunner) calls "Up." The men spring up and carry the equipment, moving rapidly in the trace of the corporal or to the objective designated.

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