
សង្រ្គាម ជំលោះតាម បណ្តាទ្វីប

ប្រធានបទ វិស្វកម្ម យោធា

Thursday, October 12, 2017


  •  24. GENERAL.—The information in this section pertaining tc the several types of fixed complete rounds authorized for use in the 37-mm gun, M1916, includes a description of the rounds, means of identification, care, use, and ballistic data.
  • 25. CLASSIFICATION.—a. Based upon use, the principal classi fications of ammunition for this gun are— (1) High explosive (HE), for use against personnel and light materiel targets. (2) Low explosive (LE), for use against personnel and light materiel targets, also for artillery subcaliber practice. b. Other types provided for special purposes are— (1) Blank, for simulated fire and salutes. (2) Drill, for training (complete round is inert).
  • 26. AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER.—When ammunition is manu factured, an ammunition lot number which becomes an essen tial part of the marking is assigned in accordance with perti nent specifications. This ammunition lot number is stamped or marked on every loaded complete round, on all packing containers, and on the accompanying ammunition data card. It is required for all purposes of record, including reports on condition, functioning, and accidents, in which the am munition might be involved.
  • 27. IDENTIFICATION.—a. Markings on packing boxes.—The contents of original packing boxes are identified readily by the markings on the box. Additional data pertaining to the rounds contained therein are included on the ammunition data card packed with the rounds in each box. 6. Color of projectiles.—All projectiles are painted to pre vent rust and by means of the color to provide a ready method for identification as to type. The color scheme is as follows: (1) High explosive projectiles, yellow. (2) Low explosive projectiles (black powder filler), red. (3) Practice projectiles, blue. These may contain only a sand filler with an inert fuze, or they may contain a live fuze with a spotting charge of black powder. c. Markings on round.—The complete round removed from its packing box is identified completely by the following in formation stamped or stenciled thereon: (1) Caliber and type of cannon in which fired. (2) Mark or model of projectile. (3) One diametral stripe on the base of the cartridge case indicates normal charge. (4) Ammunition lot number.
  • 28. CARE, HANDLING, AND PRESERVATION.—a. Ammunition is made and packed to withstand all conditions ordinarily en countered in the field. Nevertheless, since explosives are ad versely affected by moisture and high temperature, due con sideration will be given to protect the ammunition therefrom. b. Both high and low explosive ammunition, being fuzed, will be handled with care at all times. c. Carefully protect the ammunition from mud, sand, dirt, and water. If it gets wet or dirty, wipe it off at once. The complete round should be free of foreign matter (sand, mud, grease, etc.) before loading into the gun. d. Do not allow the ammunition to be exposed to the direct rays of the sun for any length of time. This is liable to affect seriously its firing qualities. e. Do not fire rounds which have seriously damaged car tridge cases or which are otherwise defective. /. Protect the ammunition from blows against the primer.
  • 29. STORAGE.—Whenever practicable, ammunition will be stored under cover. If it is necessary to leave the ammunition in the open, it will be raised on dunnage at least 6 inches from the ground and the pile covered with a double thickness of paulin. Suitable trenches will be dug to prevent water from flowing under the pile.
  • 30. AUTHORIZED BOUNDS.—a. The ammunition authorized for use in the 37-mm gun, M1916, is listed below. It will be noted that the designation completely identifies the ammunition as to type and model as well as the caliber and model of gun in which the round is fired. Complete rounds with explosive projectiles for this gun are issued and shipped with base fuzes fitted to the projectiles. 6. The high explosive shell, Mk. II, is slightly longer, heavier, and contains more explosive than the low explosive shell, Mk. I.
  •  31. DATA.—The firing tables applicable are 37-A-2 and 37-A-2, Abridged. Data abstracted therefrom are contained in paragraphs 83a and 98.

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