Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Commanding System

II-GOLIS systems(Go- Onto-Location-in-Space)
Entirely autonomous
A-Target Tracker
A).Inertial Guidance
B-Missile Tracker
B).Preset Guidance
C-Guidance Computer
Dependent on natural sources
I/1). Remote Control Guidance
A). Celestial Guidance
I/2). Homing Guidance
B). Terrestrial Guidance
Command Guidance (CLOS and COLOS)
C).Magnetic Guidance
Line Of Sight Beam Riding Guidance (LOSBR)
Dependent on artificial sources
Manual Command to Line-Of-Sight (MCLOS)
Satellite Navigation
Semi-Manual Command to Line-Of-Sight (SMCLOS)
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Semi-Automatic Command to Line-Of-Sight (SACLOS)
GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS)
Automatic Command to Line-Of-Sight (ACLOS)
Hyperbolic Navigation
Command Off Line-Of-Sight (COLOS)
Active homing
Inertial guidance
Passive homing
Preset guidance
Semi-active homing
Celestial guidance
Retransmission homing
Terrestrial guidance

Command and Control
C2I – Command, Control & Intelligence
C3 – Consultation, Command, and Control [NATO]
C2I – Command, Control & Information
C3I – 4 possibilities; the most common is Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence
C2IS – Command and Control Information Systems
C2ISR – C2I plus Surveillance and Reconnaissance
C3ISREW – C2ISR plus Communications plus Electronic Warfare
C2ISTAR – C2 plus ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance)
C4, C4I, C4ISR, C4ISTAR, C4ISREW – plus Computers (Technology focus) or Computing
C3 – Command, Control & Communication (Human activity focus)
C4I2 – Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, and Interoperability
C3 – Command, Control & Communications (Technology focus)
C5I – Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat systems and Intelligence

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