Sunday, November 1, 2015

Russia Airliner Crash Debated

The Russian Kogalymavia Flight 9268 crashed in Egypt resulted top debate among social media over a " possible hypothesis": (1) The crash accident has no any link to surface - to- air missile, this is the first conformation at the first day of disaster; (2) A day later, other source claims that a group of pro-ISIS is responsible for shot down the Russian civilian aircraft on the way from Red Sea- to Russia by employing the man portable shoulder air defense system. The above statement had been proved by showing video clip and twitter across media; response to this argument (3) the Russia expert quote as saying that the airplane flight over 9400 meters altitude compared to Sea Level which not fix for 6 km high-killing level of the shoulder missile.

The last hypothesis from an other interesting source (4) had come up with a conclusion that aircraft may explode by " bomb" .  With all the fours hypothesis above, we are capable to draw a common cause of the accident as  it results of  " man-made disaster" not link to technical mechanism.

By looking at topographic map. the accidental area is surrounding by hill/mountains with approximately elevation of 1300- 1400 meters above sea level. More importantly is that the airplane had been assign for flight above the river-water line. A probability of shoulder missile employment is high in figure because that calculation as (9400m-1400m= 8000m).

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