Wednesday, March 23, 2022

កាំជ្រួចប្រឆាំងរថក្រោះ 9M133 Kornet

កាំជ្រួចប្រឆាំងរថក្រោះ 9M133 Kornet ផលិតផលរុស្សី ទទួលបានប្រជាប្រិយភាពខ្លាំងនៅឆ្នាំ ២០១៦ ក្នុងសង្រ្គាម ស៊ីរី អ៊ីរ៉ាក់ ដោយសារវាបាញ់បានចម្ងាយឆ្ងាយជាង កាំជ្រួចអាមេរិក និង អាល្លឺម៉ង់ គឺរហូតដល់ ៨ ទៅ ១០ គម និងមានតម្លៃជាង ៦០០០ ដុល្លា/គ្រាប់ បើធៀបជាមួយកាំជ្រួច  Javelin  អាមេរិកតម្លៃ ០,៥ លានដុល្លា/គ្រាប់

Udpdate 2016 ISIS had employing the most advanced anti tank guide missile,Kornet 9M133 made in Russia. Tank vehicle can be attack within the range of 3 to 10 km, that makes offensive operation face stuck.
  1. Range of fire, m: missile with HE warhead150 to 10,000
  2. missile with tandem HEAT warhead150 to 8,000
  3. Armor penetration behind ERA, mm1100-1300
  4. Number of targets engaged simultaneously by salvo, pcs.2
  5. Capability of firing two missiles against one targetprovides
  6. Missiles, pcs.16
  7. including ready-to-fire missiles8
  8. Time to change over from travelling to combat position, not more than, s7
  9. Operating temperature range, °C-20 to +60
  10. Proce $6,230 per missile
  11. Operational range Kornet 100–5,500 m
  12. Operational range Kornet-EM 8,000 m (anti-tank), 10,000 m (High Explosive)
  13. The Russian 9M113 Kornet EM ATGM, arguably the most capable & expensive Kornet Model, with upgrades to its guidance system (fire & forgot + top attack + improved per v ERA) still has a maximum effective range of 8000m (by day). Its a little quicker at 300 m/s.
  14. In March 2009, it was announced that 244 Kornet E missiles had been ordered by Peru under a $25m contract. The missile systems were delivered in January 2010.

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