Thursday, August 5, 2021

កាំភ្លើងធំធុន ATMG- 155MM

កាំភ្លើងធំធុន  ATMG- 155MM គ្រាន់តែជា ឈ្មោះថ្មី​បំលែង មកពី កាំភ្លើងធំធុន ATMOS 155mm 
ដែល មាន Concept ថា កាំភ្លើងធំ ២១ ដើម ដែល ១ ដើម មានទាហាន ១២ នាក់ ដូច្នេះ ត្រូវការទាហាន ២៤០ នាក់ ដើម្បីបាញ់ ២១ គ្រាប់។ ការផលិតកាំភ្លើងបាញ់ស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ គឺច្រកគ្រាប់ស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ បាញ់ស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ ដែលកាំភ្លើង ១ ដើម មាន ២១ គ្រាប់ បាញ់ក្នុងល្បឿន ៦ គ្រាប់/នាទី ដែលត្រូវការពេល ៤ នាទី អាចបាញ់បាន ២១ គ្រាប់។ ប្រទេសថៃ បំពាក់កាំភ្លើងធំធុន ATMOS 155mm ចំនួន ២៤ ប្រព៍ន្ធ ប្រមាណជា ០៣ វរៈសនាធំ។ កាំភ្លើងធំធុន ATMOS 155mm បាញ់ចម្ងាយ ២១ គីឡូមែត្រ។

តាមពិតទៅ ប្រទេសអ៊ីស្រាអែលទទួលជោគជ័យ ក្នុងការធ្វើប្រព័ន្ធ C4I ដោយក្រុមហ៊ុន Elbit ដែលគេហៅថាជា ប្រព័ន្ធ Elbit ដូច្នេះ បើស្វែងរកអ្វីជា Elbit System គឺគេសំដៅលើ C4 I ដែលប្រែថា ទីបញ្ជាការស្រាល Command , ទីបញ្ជាសមរភូមិ, Control  ទំបញ្ជាផ្នែកបញ្ជូនសារ Communication , កំព្យុទ័រ Computer  និង ទីបញ្ជាផ្នែកស៊ើបការណ៍ Information/ Intelligence បានន័យថា ជាការចង់ប្រព៍ន្ធជាប់គ្នា មើលឃើញគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ដូចជា Zoom ឬ Net Meeting ដែល សិស្ស និស្សិត រាជការធ្វើការ ឬ សិក្សាតាមប្រព័ន្ធ Online ក្នុងសង្រ្គាម កូវីដ ១៩ ! មើលឃើញគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ជាវីដេអូ...ជាសម្លេង..

ATMOS 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer The ATMOS (Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System) is a computerised 155mm self-propelled artillery system produced by Elbit Systems. It is a light, long-range, highly mobile artillery system addressing the critical requirements of today’s land forces. The modular design of the ATMOS allows for integration on variety of qualified in-service trucks. The system integrates the most advanced 52 calibre Nato standard gun system with a range of 41km. It can fire at an intense rate of five rounds per minute when fed by auto loader. The ATMOS artillery system is equipped with inbuilt electronic suite offering increased fire power and accuracy. It can be mounted on any 6×6 or 8×8 in-service high mobility trucks with a modified protected cabin and special layout.

ATMG-155MMរបស់កងទ័ពថៃបានសម្រេចគោលដៅបាញ់ជោគជ័យក្នុងចម្ងាយ៥៦គីឡូម៉ែត្រ ដែលលេីសសមត្ថភាពATMG-155MMដេីមរបស់អុីស្រាអែលទៅទៀត។ ប្រព័ន្ធ​កាំភ្លេីងធំ​ចល័ត​ស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ​ATMG-155MMរបស់កងទ័ពថៃ​ ដែលផលិតក្នុងស្រុក ដោយសហការជាមួយប្រទេសអុីស្រាអែលដេីម្បីនាំយកElbit Systemsមកដំឡេីងលេីរថយន្ត 6x6 10-tonne Tatra truckដែលនាំចូលពីសាធារណរដ្ឋឆេក​សម្រាប់​ ATMG-155MM/55 និង​ លេីរថយន្ត Tata 4x4 truck ដែលនាំចូលពីប្រទេសឥណ្ឌាសម្រាប់​ ATMG-120MM។ សម្រាប់ប្រព័ន្ធATMG-155MM ត្រូវបានប្រទេសថៃអភិវឌ្ឍន៍បន្ថែមចម្ងាយគោលដៅបាញ់រហូតដល់៥៦គីឡូម៉ែត្រ​ ដែលប្រព័ន្ធដេីមរបស់អុីស្រាអែលពីមុនត្រឹមតែ៤០គីឡូម៉ែត្រ​។ ខណៈ​បច្ចុប្បន្ន​ត្រឹមឆ្នាំ២០២០​ កងទ័ព​ថៃមានប្រព័ន្ធATMG-155MMនេះចំនួន១៨គ្រឿង។

ATMOS Mobile Fires Platform (MPF) ATMOS is a 155mm/52 caliber truck-mounted howitzer that offers the advantages of superior fire power, enhanced mobility and rapid response time. Highly adaptable, the modular ATMOS system is compatible with any 6x6 or 8x8 high-mobility tactical truck. ATMOS supplies fire support for all types of missions and can be easily interfaced with customers’ existing C4I systems.

Command Center: The center can provide capacity Control, Command, Communications, Computers and Information (C4I), the command center is spread out over an area of more than 1,100 m2 and has more than 150 workstations on which they can operate up to 230 people to manage naval, air and amphibious operations. Given the large, it was decided to place the center under the flight deck to reduce the size of island to the minimum..

นาวิกโยธินไทยนำปืนใหญ่อัตตาจรล้อยาง ATMG ที่ผลิตในไทยเข้าร่วมการฝึกกองทัพเรือประจำปี ๒๕๖๔ ATMG (Autonomous Truck Mounted Gun) 155mm/52caliber wheeled self-propelled howitzer 6x6 of 4th Artillery Battalion, Marine Artillery Regiment, Royal Thai Marine Division, Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) during Royal Thai Navy (RTN)'s Naval Exercise Fiscal Year 2021 at Andaman sea in 24-25 March 2021.

Thai Marines procure Israeli-made ATMG wheeled self-propelled artillery.
Thai marines to procure Elbit howitzers
The RMTC is to procure six 155 mm autonomous truck-mounted howitzer systems from Elbit. Source: Soltam Systems Marines, Royal Thai Navy (RTMC: Royal Thai Marine Corps, RTN: Royal Thai Navy) have signed a supply contract with Elbit Systems Land and C4I. Ltd. Israel
in the supply of rubber self-propelled artillery ATMG (Autonomous Truck Mounted Gun), which is based on a rubber wheeled self-propelled artillery system. ATMOS(Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System)

The Royal Thai Marine Corps said in a statement that the contract was signed at the end of March and contained the content for the delivery of six ATMG 155mm/52caliber self-propelled artillery systems, which will be built in Thailand through technology transfer. From Elbit Israel
by the Center for Weapons Center for Defense Industry and Energy Prof. Alex. OIE d. (The WPC: Weapon Level, Production Center,, DIEC: Defense Industry, And the Energy Center,), Ministry of Defense, Thailand (OPSD: Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defence, Ministry of Defence. ) A

contract for supplying 6 ATMG wheeled self-propelled artillery with a limit 865 million baht ($26 million) and has provided an opportunity for the supply of additional self-propelled artillery systems to be manufactured, assembled and built in Thailand. which is scheduled to be delivered within a period of 2 years and 4 months
Previously, the Royal Thai Army (Royal Thai Army) has ordered to supply three-stage ATMG self-propelled artillery, 6 systems per phase, a total of 18 systems produced by the NESDB. 721th Artillery Battalion Artillery Brigade.

This contract will fill the long-standing demands of Marine Corps Headquarters Royal Thai Navy To expand the firepower of the existing field artillery unit, which is currently the Artillery Regiment. Marine Corps Brigade There are various types of field artillery in use,
such as the GC-45/GHN-45 arc-missile medium artillery, caliber 155mm, designed by Canada, stationed in the Center for Architectural Artillery Battalion. a.) the last time the GC-45 supply in the year 2523 (1980) and GHN-45A1 APU in 2531 (1988)

in which naval artillery system with Thailand. Supply requirements as previously reported, considered and assessed at the factory of NSSC go there ( ) It
is reported that the Royal Thai Marine Corps is also interested in procuring a multiple launch rocket system (MLRS: Multiple Launch Rocket System) to strengthen its power expansion. their own shooting But there are no details at the time of writing.

In addition to the Nexter Caesar wheeled self-propelled artillery, size 155mm/52cal. France, number 6 systems stationed in P.C. 721, together with P.C.C., wheels, tires, ATMG 18 systems, the Royal Thai Army also plans to supply 36 additional systems of P.C.C. ATGM, or about two battalions of guns. Large (One thousand R. Por. has three artillery companies; one hundred and
understood to be the need following the restructuring of the restructuring rate of infantry and cavalry That will have artillery, both towed artillery and self-propelled artillery as a direct support unit. It also promotes the internal security industry of Thailand as well.

Sompong Nondhasa ATMG...เขี้ยวเล็บใหม่ของนาวิกโยธินไทย  เมื่อวันที่ 23 มีนาคม 2561 พล.ร.อ. จุมพล ลุมพิกานนท์  รองปลัดกระทรวงกลาโหม เป็นประธานในพิธีลงนามในสัญญาซื้อตามโครงการปรับปรุงพัฒนาปืนใหญ่ขนาด 155 มม. แบบอัตตาจรล้อยางเพื่อสนับสนุนกองทัพเรือจาก  Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd  อิสราเอล จำนวน 6 กระบอก ด้วยงป. 865 ล้านบาท โดยกำหนดส่งมอบภายใน 2 ปี 4 เดือน ทั้งนี้จะมีการประกอบและสร้างที่  ศูนย์อำนวยการสร้างอาวุธศูนย์อุตสาหกรรมป้องกันประเทศและพลังงานทหาร (ศอว.ศอพท.) ซึ่งก่อนหน้านี้ได้มีการผลิต ATMG ให้กับกองทัพบกไทยมาแล้ว 18 กระบอกโดยนำชิ้นส่วนหลักมาจากอิสราเอลมาประกอบกับชิ้นส่วนอื่นๆซึ่ง ศอว.ศอพท. ผลิตเอง โดยได้รับการถ่ายทอดเทคโนโลยีในการประกอบสร้างและซ่อมบำรุงของระบบปืนใหญ่ ATMG จาก Elbit Systems และนำมาประกอบสร้างในประเทศ  ATMG เป็นปืนใหญ่อัตโนมัติที่มีเทคโนโลยีอันทันสมัย มีระบบอำนวยการยิงในตัว มีความคล่องตัวในการเคลื่อนที่สูง เดินทางได้ระยะไกลด้วยตัวเอง ทำให้สามารถปฏิบัติการยิงได้รวดเร็วและมีความแม่นยำสูง คาดว่ากองทัพเรือจะมีการจัดหาเพิ่มเติมอีกในอนาคต ...ในการจัดหา ATMG ในครั้งนี้ ทำให้ ศอว.ศอพท.ได้มีการผลิตอย่างต่อเนื่อง นอกจากนี้แล้วกองทัพบกไทยยังมีความต้องการ ATMG อีก 36 กระบอก อันจะทำให้สายการผลิตจะมีระยะยาวนานขึ้นไปอีกในอนาคต และเป็นการส่งเสริมอุตสาหกรรมภายในประเทศไปในตัวอีกด้วย ... Story/Photo …Sompong Nondhasa

New batch of Autonomous Truck Mounted Gun-ATMG 155mm/52 caliber Self-Propelled Howitzer 6x6 and Autonomous Truck Mounted Mortar-ATMM 120mm Self-Propelled Mortar System that all manufactured by Weapon Production Center (WPC), Defense Industry and Energy Center (DIEC), Ministry of Defense Thailand (technology company from Elbit Systems) was delivered to the Royal Thai Army in January 2019.

Permanent Secretary for Defense commit the delivery ceremony Heavy artillery shells and grenade launchers which was developed by the Weapon Management Center according to the armament development project for self-reliance in the future to the Army, with the Deputy Commander-in-Chief as the Army representative to receive.

Weapon Center National Defense Industrial and Military Energy Center, OPSD/Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense, Ministry of Defense has entered into a supply contract with Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd Israel. In the transfer of technology for two domestic armament systems development projects for the Thai Army is a project to develop a cannon-towed artillery to be a rubber wheel or an autonomous artillery gun mounted on the truck-ATMG, which is based on artillery artillery systems, Elbit tires, ATMOS (Autonomous Truck Mounted howitzer System), and a project to improve the size of the grenade launcher 120mm self-propelled rubber wheels or 120 mm Autonomous Truck Mounted Mortar-ATMM, which is based on the Elbit Soltam SPEAR 120mm mortar launcher system.

The SPG cannon system, ATMG tires, size 155mm/52cal, used as a secondary vehicle for the TATRA T815-7 6x6 truck, 10tons of Czech Republic with engine power 400HP, 220liter oil tank capacity, with 400km operating distance, maximum speed on the road 90km/h, top speed terrain 30km/h. By the Royal Thai Army each 6 systems, including 17 systems that are produced by the SAO. Artillery Battalion, 921 Artillery Division and also artillery wheeled Nexter Caesar size 155mm/52cal France 6, stationed in. The Army Thailand also plans to procurement of additional 38 ATMG systems according to the structure of the new infantry and cavalry forces Thai Navy Marine Corps (RTMC: Royal Thai Marine Corps, RTN: Royal Thai Navy) has signed a supply contract with Elbit Systems Israel to supply artillery guns, ATMG tires, valued 65 million baht ($ 26 million).

ATMM : Autonomous Truck Mounted Mortar

The SPG ATMM tire mounted on a military truck, the TATA 715 4x4, 2.5tons of India, has a power of 155 HP, a 200 liter oil tank capacity, operating distance 350km, maximum speed on the road 80km/h, top speed on Information is in 30km/h. Officer for the project argue that the selection of the TATA truck guns because a military truck that is used in the Indian Army with performance and durability that meets the needs, which civilian trucks in the market such as Isuzu or Hino cannot support this requirement.

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